Wounded #6
Wounded #6 came out sometime in late 1995 or first part of 1996. It featured even less Death Metal, actually only 3 bands of the genre were interviewed - ABSCESS, LUCIFERION and NEMBRIONIC. Remaining space was solely dedicated to Electronic, Industrial and Noise artists. It was great times, we had out TV show "Tamsos Citadelė" going on the biggest commercial TV network running every second Sunday and around this time we also decided to split it into Metal and Industrial parts. Needless to say that now the bigger labels were interested in the exposure through the zine and a TV show, so now I was receiving full stream of promo material which found it's way into reviews section - see for yourself. It was great, I was spending all my time doing what I love and getting paid for it. Also labels dealing with Industrial and Noise music were sending some whacky, crazy videos and we were showing them all on our TV show "Tamsos Citadelė", there was absolutely no creative restrictions.
Death Metal, Dark Ambient, Industrial, Electro, Thrash Metal