Wounded #4
The reasons for the change of name to Woundedd zine are laid out pretty clear in the editorial, so read the next page if you care. Anyway, Wounded #4 came out sometime in 1994 and the promos really has started to flow in! I was getting into the deep end of Industrial, Noise, Ambient, even some Gothic along with some true Death Metal stuff so I was featuring those bands in my zine which now I've proudly called "magazine" haha! At that time first wave of Black Metal was really starting to take off, but apart from DARKTHRONE I couldn't stand most of those bands who in my opinion were blatantly copying DARKTHRONE's image and music. Another interesting story that had put me off Norwegian BM was that I had exchanged a few letters with Euronymous (R.I.P.) where I challenged him on his words that dictators like Stalin or Hitler are cool and so on, which was pure bullshit in my opinion. He still insisted on his way, but whatever. From my Polish metalhead friend I knew a story about few Polish Metal maniacs going to Norway to hang out with those tough BM "mafiozos" who actually in real life turned out really meek guys and tried to rid of Polish guys who were too much to handle for them. Anyway, that and the whole corpsepaint and lo-fi BM crap put me off that scene, so I wasn't interested in featuring those bands. For me Black Metal is VENOM, ROTTING CHRIST, BLASPHEMY, DARKTHRONE - real hellraisers and innovators, not the copycats.
Wounded #4 was again a pro-printed magazine, the cover turned out pixelated because of the mistake at the printing house, the layout got better, there were some great contributors (mentioned in editorial), so it looked like a new beginning and a good one (apart form the pixelated cover, haha).
Dark Ambient, Death Metal, Doom Metal, Electro, Gothic Rock, Grindcore, Hardcore, Industrial, Thrash Metal